Free-to-play instantly in Facebook and Messenger apps on iOS, Android, and computer browsers. Just select the games button on Messenger, or hit the Play Now button to start playing EverWing instantly!
Free-to-play instantly in Facebook and Messenger apps on iOS, Android, and computer browsers. Just select the games button on Messenger, or hit the Play Now button to start playing EverWing instantly!
Select your Guardian and Sidekicks and then head into battle! Each possesses unique powers that combine to help them to fight through an endless horde of monsters!
Challenge powerful Bosses and Monsters to defend the realm of EverWing! Team up with your friends in Boss Raids to destroy the most powerful Bosses for even greater rewards!

You can play EverWing instantly by tapping on the Games icon on Facebook’s Messenger app from within a chat. The icon looks like a game controller and is located near the field where you type your messages. A list of games will be revealed, and simply select EverWing to start playing!
EverWing is available on the Facebook and Messenger apps for iOS (v8 or higher) and Android (v5 or higher), and through on computer browsers.
Inviting Friends: You can invite friends to play EverWing with you by creating a chat group in Facebook Messenger. Once you have the chat group created, just start a game of EverWing by tapping on the Games icon and select EverWing!
You can also access EverWing via the button below:

The Clover increases the bullet level by 1 for the rest of the game round, with a maximum level of 70.

The Magnet attracts all items and coin, bringing them toward the Guardian.

The Mushroom doubles the Guardian’s bullets for a limited time.

The Rush Flower allows Guardian to become invincible, and to destroy all enemies within their path.

Purple Crystals are worth 10 coins.

Red Crystals are worth 20 coins.

Aqua Crystals are worth 40 coins.

Treasure Chests contain a lot of Gems!

Boss Raid Energy drop from bosses in the normal game mode.

Time Freeze slows down time for a brief period of time.

Speed Rush activates immediately after purchase and allows the Guardian to charge ahead and
destroy everything in battle.
destroy everything in battle.

Arcane Blast mows down all enemies with ease, including Meteors!
You can naturally earn a lot of Coins and Trophies by simply playing the game, but you can also earn additional coins by unlocking Guardians and sending them on Quests.
Additionally, Guardian Lily also earns double coins in the normal mode of the game and on quests.
Finally, if you wish, you can also sell your Sidekicks for Coins and Trophies (although Sidekicks only sell for Trophies at levels 10, 20, and 30).
Quests allows you to send your Guardians and Sidekicks to automatically earn coins and experience. Select the Quest and deploy your Guardian and Sidekicks, then come back later to redeem your rewards!
Using higher level Guardians and Sidekicks will increase your chances of better rewards.
Evolving Sidekicks: To evolve your Sidekick dragons, you must have two one-star dragons at level 10 (the maximum level) of the same name. To evolve these dragon a second time, you must have a two-star dragon at level 20 (the maximum level) and evolve it with another two-star dragon at level 20 of the same name.
Zodiacs: If you evolve two dragons of the same zodiac (marked in the top right corner of the dragon information screen), you will also receive a Zodiac Bonus that provides a bonus boost in damage! The first Zodiac Bonus evolution provides 25% bonus damage and the second Zodiac Bonus evolution provides 60% bonus damage. There are twelve different zodiacs:
*Note that Virgo and Scorpio ( and
) look very similar. So be cautious when selecting two Sidekicks for the Zodiac Bonus.
Zodiac Bonus on the Second Evolution: In order to continue the Zodiac Bonus on the second evolution, make sure the Sidekick you selected to evolve has the Zodiac Bonus. The second Sidekick used to evolve the Sidekick selected first must also have the same zodiac displayed, but it does not matter if the second dragon has a zodiac bonus or not. It is important that you make sure that you select the Sidekick with the Zodiac Bonus first when evolving.
There are six different types of Elements for Sidekicks:
The Elements on the Sidekicks provide 50% bonus damage on certain bosses:
Monster King (Normal) is weak to Shadow
Mildred (Nature) is weak to Fire
Fluffy (Toxic) is weak to Nature
Monster Queen (Shadow) is weak to Light
Spike (Ice) is weak to Fire
Ice Queen (Ice) is weak to Fire
In Boss Raids, certain Boss enhancements will change the weakness type:
Frozen (Ice) is weak to Fire
Molten (Fire) is weak to Water
Toxic (Toxic) is weak to Nature
Dark (Shadow) is weak to Light
Blinding (Light) is weak to Shadow
of Doom (Shadow) is weak to Light
from Hell (Fire) is weak to Water
The Prismatic Element is strong against all Elements, so it will provide a 50% bonus damage on all bosses.
Sidekick dragon effects do stack. However, the second stacked effect is limited to 50% effectiveness. Even though two of the same or different Sidekicks may have the same ability, the second same ability is still limited to 50% effectiveness. For example, both Glowbean and Moss have the same effect, this means the second effect is still limited to 50% effectiveness.
The Legendary Bonus lasts for 1 hour when notified. When someone receives a Legendary Sidekick, the game shares a bonus to the chat group. Tap on the message to bring you into the game to increase your bonus.
The Legendary Bonus increases your chances of getting a Legendary Sidekick from an egg. If you normally have a 12% chance, a 50% Legend Bonus would put you at a 18% total chance for a Legendary Sidekick.
In Boss Raids, everyone in your Messenger chat group is fighting against one really tough Boss. The chat group will have a limited amount of time to do as much damage as you can to the Boss! When the Boss is defeated, everyone in the chat group that participated receives rewards. The Boss must be completely defeated for everyone to receive their rewards.
Each Messenger chat group contains a separate Boss Raid, so you will be fighting different bosses in different chat groups. Rewards received must also be claimed in the same chat group.
The Boss Raids reset back to level 1 every week on Monday, 11 AM Pacific Time (as indicated by the countdown timer).
Gems allow you to purchase certain premium content in EverWing.
Currently, Facebook supports Gems purchases on Android 6.0+. This feature will be coming to iOS soon.
If you purchased Gems and they are not showing up in your game, please send an email to We will need an order number in order to investigate this matter. You can obtain the receipts associated with your account by checking your email or accessing the Purchase History in your iTunes or Google Play account.
How to locate receipts:
How to locate iTunes Receipt
How to locate Google Play Receipt
We are constantly working on new updates for EverWing and we can’t wait for you to see them! This includes new features, characters, dragons, bosses, events, customizations and more!
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the latest news on EverWing!
Also, make sure to visit the EverWing Wiki and EverWing Subreddit!
EverWing is only available on Messenger and Facebook. We believe that the future of mobile games exists outside of the app stores, and that games should be available instantly on any platform, whether it be an iPhone, Android, tablet, or desktop computer. We want users to be able to enjoy EverWing everywhere!
You can visit The Official Shop for EverWing here:
Please make sure to check if your question has been answered in the above FAQ section. Below are some of the known issues that we are aware of and we are working on resolving these issues. There is no need to contact us regarding these issues at this time.
Known Issues Affecting Certain Users:
- Video Ads: Video ads are introduced to certain users during this testing phase. The video ads functionality will be released to all players once the testing phase has been completed.
- Game Does Not Load: Game only loads up to a certain percentage (0% – 99%) for certain users.
- Game Not Available: Game displays a “Game Not Available” error message for certain users.
Other Issues:
- Game Crashes: Please make sure your Facebook Messenger is updated to the latest version as that may resolve some issues. We are constantly working on improving the performance of the game on all phones, so you may experience improvements as we continue development of the game and as Facebook Messenger releases updates to their app. So please make sure to update your Facebook Messenger whenever a new version is available.
- Update OS Issue: EverWing is available on the operating system iOS (v8 or higher) and Android (v5 or higher), and through on computer browsers. This means that previous operating system versions such as Android 4.4 KitKat does not support EverWing on Instant Games.
- Resolution Setting Issue: You can resolve this issue by reinstalling Facebook Messenger. We are currently working on a solution to this issue as well.
- Messenger Notifications: When you play EverWing in a Facebook Messenger chat group, you may send some EverWing notifications to your friends as you progress through the game. If you would like to limit these notifications to a certain chat group of friends, you can create a separate Messenger chat group to play EverWing.
- Selecting a Friend Issue: For certain users, the game may crash or not respond when trying to select a friend to play with. We are currently working on a solution to this issue.
Other Inquiries:
If your issue is not listed as a known issue and is not resolved by the FAQ, please visit the EverWing Support portal to submit a ticket and contact support: